Have good quality windows for the winter
To have an energy efficient home this winter, make sure you have good quality windows for your home. Inspect the window and frame for any gaps or cracks that might be there. Any gaps can cause cold air to draft into your home. It can also mean the warm air your furnace is producing can leak out. This results in higher monthly heating bills. The windows may need to be replaced. We can help to recommend what window will be best-suited ones for your home. New windows can help the home to be energy efficient.
Fix any air leaks you notice in the home
Air leaks can account for up to thirty five percent of the overall energy used to heat your home. It is likely that the air leaks are coming from gaps, cracks, or holes in your home. The windowsill can be a common area for leaks to occur. It is recommended to invest in new windows or a new door. But if you do need a quick fix, you can patch the gap. Check for areas under the doors. This is a common spot where cold air drafts in, and warm air can escape. You can invest in weather stripping to place along the edges of doors and windows. You can also caulk or insulate the cracks so the air leaking can be reduced. Replacing the old door can be helpful in reducing the chance of other gaps becoming larger. You can also reduce the chance of heat escaping from the home. A new energy efficient door can help lower the monthly heating bills for your home. This can help your home to be warm, comfortable, and energy efficient this winter. We can also come and inspect the windows and advise you on what option is best for you. Replacing the windows with new ones can help to decrease any chances of air leaks.
Add insulation where it is needed
Make sure your home has the proper amount of insulation. Even new homes can lack the adequate amount of insulation in the attic. This can especially be an issue in the winter since heat travels up. If you can easily see the floor joists in the attic, you do not have enough insulation. If you are unsure about the amount of insulation, we can help determine the amount that should be needed for your home. Insulation is needed in the attic, walls, and basement of your home. It is also important to have the correct type of insulation. If you notice the insulation has mold or mildew on it, make sure to have it replaced as soon as possible. This can help prevent the mold spores from traveling through your home and causing pollutants in the air. Also installing new windows can help the home to be warmer and more energy efficient.